
Showing posts from May, 2020


I don't know in which situation i am. No memes make me smile ,no jokes make me laugh I forgot last time when i laugh. I unfollowed all the pages which post about love. Always i put my phone on airplane mode when my friends invite me to join a video call. i start ignoring all my friend's msgs. I quit talking to my family. I can't share anything with friends. Whenever i tried to share something with my bestiee i got pain in my head and tears in my eyes. I quit talking with people because i feel like they are taunting me and making fun. I just want to live alone at a place where no one is there to irritate me. Everything arround me irritates me even my clock's tic tic. When everyone in lockdown showing there talent or improving their skills i have nothing to do or i should say i dont want to do anything . When my family are busy in family talk and they enjoy those   moments  i used to locked myself in a room and sit in front of fish aquarium and watch them for too long  fo


I just want to run from everything  from everyone . I want to run from my family from my friends. I don't want to face people anymore. I just want to run from my classmates from my relatives  and every one around me. I dont want to face my responsibilities my feelings for you . I don't want to think about you anymore. I dont want to face anyone anymore because i am afraid of people's taunt . I am afraid that they make fun of me. I want to go  a palace where no one there to bothering me even my own thoughts . I want to go a place where i can sleep with peace because whenever i try to sleep i can't my thoughts surrounds me . I was the happiest person some days ago but now i don't know what is happiness I forget my own real smile now everything is fake i pretend. J want to run from everything and never want to look behind  but whenever i try my past and my overthinking not let me. Whenever  i try to distract me from my fucking thoughts using internet i

How much a girl can be cruel?

The question is " How much a girl can be cruel?" The question is "how can a girl betray someone who love her so much?" The question is "how can a girl leave someone alone in midway when that person is dreaming about whole journey with her?" The question is "how can a girl break all those promises which are made by both of them under the sky in the presence of moon and stars ?" The question is "how can a girl destroy someone's life who always dreaming his life with her?" The question is "how can a girl lied to that person who always trust her blindly?" The question is "after some time why girls start behave rudely with that person with whome  she used to behave like a child?" The question is "why girls make someone fall in love so much with her ?" Many questions of this type comes in my mind everyday and i am unable to find answer of these question as always i am . I don't know why a girl leave someo